Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Airplane travel tips

 I just came back from traveling internationally. My flight was almost 11 hours. The important thing is that I survived those almost 11 hours without incident. Here are some tips to make airplane travel more doable.

*Try to get an aisle seat. There is nothing worse than being blocked in when the need to use the bathroom hits. If you don't have an aisle seat, kindly ask the person in the aisle seat if they are willing to trade. Its a 50/50 shot but worth trying.

*Eat very light the day before. Not starving but lighter. So don't go heavy on the beans or load up on dairy.

*Go to the bathroom as soon as the urge comes. You may need to wait a bit. It also takes a while to unbuckle and maneuver out of the seat.

*Scout out the bathroom locations. Depending on the size of the pane there may be several tucked away. 

*wear protection for extra security. This can be in the form of an adult diaper or a large female pad. Gross yes. Hopefully will never need it.

*Bring extra underwear and shorts/pants in your carryon.  

*Extra caution eating at the airport. Be very careful eating at any of the restaurants. If you eat something disagreeable before boarding, it may hit mid-flight. 

*Pack safe snack foods for your carry-on. I like my coco loco protein bars. 

*order the meal ahead of time if possible. They still may not be safe, but there's a better chance that at least some of the food will be ok.

*Bring meds in your carry-on. If your luggage gets lost, you're still ok.

*Try to chill. I know it's hard. With all the back up prepping it'll be ok. Lavender oil does a nice job with relaxing. Also try breathing exercises. Distract yourself with a movie. Anxiety only makes things worse and creates a feedback loop.

#crohns #glutenfree #cornfree #travelandcrohns #shithappens 

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