Sunday, February 13, 2011

Disease Clustering

     As a curious note, I would like to know how many people with Crohn's have other "auto immune" diseases. I was also diagnosed with Relapsing Polychondritis; causing swelling of the cartilage in the body. When I discovered a way to control my Crohn's I also found a way to control my Relapsing Polychondritis. I believe that when you have one disease, it's very likely to have other inflammatory diseases. As a matter of fact, I also believe that Eczema is another food allergy triggered disease. I went through this with both of my daughters when they were young. The doctor suggested all sorts of things, such as changing my laundry detergent... In the end it turned out to be an allergy to citric acid.

     The way I discovered this: The doctor recommended giving my daughter Benadryl at night to help her sleep. Well it was the worst night of itching she had ever had. I read the ingredients. The first ingredient beside the medicine was citric acid. That day I cut out all citric acid from her diet, and mine ( I was breast feeding). Within 3 days she was totally cleared up from her eczema. I believe that all these inflammatory diseases are caused by allergies to foods.

     Question: Do you have any clustering of diseases? Have you tried this diet? And have you had any success? I can't be the only person in the world that this works for. Here is my email address. Please let me know how you are doing.