Sunday, September 8, 2019

Eat the Rainbow

We all know the importance of eating lots of fruits and vegetables every day. They provide an abundance of phytonutrients along with fiber. They are low fat and full of flavor. They can be used in tons of recipes. Each color provides a different combination of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. 

In order to keep a healthy gut it is important to get both soluble and insoluble fibers. Soluble fibers can dissolve in water and are found in such things as apples, citrus fruits and bananas as well as oats, beans and rice. Insoluble fibers can not be dissolved in water and are not broken down by the intestines. They can be found in root vegetables such as carrots as well as cucumber, celery and edible seeds such as berries. 

Soluble fiber breaks down in the intestinal tract and is used for food to feed the healthy bacteria that lives there. These healthy bacteria keep our gut in balance and keep down any inflammation. This type of fiber is also responsible for lowering cholesterol. 

Insoluble fiber cannot be digested or absorbed. It pushes things along the intestinal track and prevents constipation. Some of it may be broken down by healthy bacteria. 

The more variation the better. Try to eat the rainbow, different colors of fruit and vegetables throughout the day. 

Of course the above picture shows corn as a healthy choice. I do not recommend eating corn in any form. This is how I was able to get my Crohn's under control.

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