Monday, July 1, 2019

Eating Out Safely

There is nothing more annoying than trying to have a nice dinner out and being interrupted by bathroom issues. It can also cause a lot of anxiety, worrying if tonight's dinner will ruin tomorrow morning. Unless you cook something yourself, it's hard to know every ingredient that goes into food cooked at a restaurant. For this reason, I don't go out often. But when I do, this is the strategy I use to eat out, safely.

Vegetables, Fruits, and Meats

The safest foods on any menu are the single ingredient ones. This means vegetables, fruits and meat with nothing added, such as seasonings or sauces.

As long as there is no sauce, a side of fresh cooked vegetables like broccoli or green beans is great! Except, of course, corn. I avoid corn in all forms. Even a bit of butter is good on the side vegetables if you can tolerate dairy. Just avoid margarine since it can contain corn oil. Whipped butter is a good alternative.

All fruits are great choices as long as they are fresh. Canned fruits can contain high fructose corn syrup which is a big no-no. This is more of a problem during the winter since fruits are seasonal.

Meat is almost always a good choice as long as there is no breading and no sauce. Steak, grilled chicken and baked fish are just a few examples and are all fairly safe. Burgers are usually fine and a lot of places are now offering them on a lettuce bun. Just no ketchup, mustard, pickles, bbq sauce, mayonnaise or relish. These contain distilled white vinegar and/or corn syrup. Distilled white vinegar is a derivative of corn.


Nothing goes better with meat than potatoes! Fries sound good. However, there are two issues here. First, french fries are cooked in oil. Sometimes this same oil is used and reused to fry other foods that are full of gluten. The oil may also be corn oil. Secondly, to make french fries taste better, they are sometimes soaked in corn syrup. This is especially true of the frozen fries. Luckily, I've found a few restaurants where I can eat the fries, including Five Guys Burgers that uses peanut oil.

If I'm not sure about the fries, I will usually stick to a baked potato with butter. Also, avoid the sour cream as it usually contains distilled white vinegar. However, Daisy brand sour cream does not contain vinegar and agrees with me. Mashed potatoes are also not a good choice because they can contain so many ingredients that may flare me.

Appetizers and Salads

Appetizers are not usually a safe choice because most are breaded and fried. I can get humus if it's on the menu, but pass on the pita bread. Shrimp cocktail is good too, but without the sauce. Some restaurants will also offer raw cut vegetables.

Salads are a good choice but must be ordered without dressing. You can ask for a side of olive oil, but make sure it is pure and doesn't contain added corn oil. You can also add fresh lemon. No croutons, of course. Also be sure to leave off anything that might contain vinegar, such as hot peppers or capers.

Gluten Free Pasta (but be careful!)

If gluten free noodles are available, be sure to question whether or not they contain corn. A lot of gluten free pastas tend to contain corn. Corn adds a nice flavor and texture, but is deadly to my colon.


As far as drinks are concerned, the safest bet is plain water, maybe with some lemon. Anything sweet can potentially contain corn syrup and the diet drinks contain sugar substitutes which are also derived from corn. I might also order hot tea, but have to check the creamer for corn syrup. Bring your glasses or a younger member of your family; they're impossible to read!


Desserts are hard. I only feel safe getting plain jello. Some restaurants offer gluten free options of cakes and cookies. But I never order these because I can't be sure of all the ingredients.

Talking To Your Waiter

The most important thing to do is to talk to the wait staff. Let them know that you have a food allergy. Although I have a gluten and corn intolerance which causes me to flare, I don't want them to think that I'm just being trendy or trying to lose weight. But restaurants are always accommodating for people with dietary restrictions so don't be afraid to talk to them. Also, I always leave a very nice tip for all their trouble and bombarding them with food questions!

It is sometimes a gamble and you might not know until the next day or later that night whether or not you made good choices. If you frequent a certain restaurant it is important to write down exactly what you ate and the results. In this way, you can put together a list of safe restaurants and safe foods.

It is also difficult to watch friends and family eating anything they want to without repercussions, while you sit there dutifully munching your vegetables like a rabbit.  Just keep in mind that it is the company you keep that is really important!

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